viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2014

Because there is only ONE.

As we all know, when we are babies we depend on our parents in order to do all types of things, such as dress up, have a shower and even to eat. Afterwards, the more we grew up, the less we depend on them because we learn how to survive by ourselves. It is necessary to teach our children that they do not have to depend on anybody, that they have to carry on and to be strong due to life is quite hard. The next step is being an elderly person.  On that stage, we are like babies owing to we can´t depend on ourselves, so we have to depend on somebody to survive, to meet our basic needs. As I see it is that life is marvelous and sad at the same time; nevertheless, we have to live it with all our might because, as I am aware, there is only one.

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