miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015

Unfair world.

It is incredible how unfair can the world be. Important things such as medicines or food should be an undeniable right for all people around the world. Furthermore, it is uncomprehensible that countries which are in difficult situations has to pay a lot of more money for important things such as medicines or food than countries which are in better economic conditions. In the same token, it is hard to believe that there are countries in which a lot of people day every day due to they do not have enough medicaments to heal people. We cannot tolerate this owing to the fact that we are created equal and we must have the same rights. 

Opinion essay: Education as a human right.

Education should be an undeniable right to all people around the world, since it is one of the most important aspects that a person need to have in his everyday life. For these reasons, education has to be compulsory between the ages of 4 and 16 in order to prepare children to develop their skills and improve their knowledge with a view to providing them specials conditions to affront the life on a properly way.

As we all know, when we speak with a person or only when we hear somebody speaking about something, it is easy to realize if this person has received an education or not. If this person has not received an education, it might be due to a lot of reasons, but the reason cannot be that they did not have enough money to pay it or that the government does not cover this basic necessity. We cannot tolerate this and we have to help those children who are in needy countries and who cannot receive an education.

Furthermore, when you apply for a job, it is harder to get it if you do not know how to speak correctly because it is something crucial. If you do not know how to express yourself you cannot, for instance, work on a shop in which you need to explain your customers the benefits of buying the product you want to sell. Due to this fact, it is fundamental to have a minimum culture and knowledge in order to function effectively in the society.

When we are children we do not comprehend that every single person on the planet must receive and education because it is essential in the life of a human being. To know how to read, how to write, how to speak and have a little culture about the whole world. If everybody has that, it would be easier to educate their children and have a decent work in their futures. I would also like to highlight that if you did not receive an education you are not a miserable person, but it is greater to affront the life having received an education.

We must establish in the whole world that all people should have an education because it is really necessary. To sum up, politics should make cuts and give more money to education departments and they should also adopt measures to help people who cannot receive an education in these ages and those who could not receive it in the past.

martes, 20 de enero de 2015

Delicious recipe: Torrijas.

Some days ago I did one of the most famous desserts in Murcia, which is “Torrijas”. It is a traditional sweet that is made in the whole year, but especially in “Semana Santa”. You can make it very easy because all you need is a few ingredients, a little patience and a lot of love. I recommend you to do it and to learn more about other traditional desserts. You will feel a spectacular explosion of flavours. If you do it, you will not regret it!

Now, I will try to explain the recipe of this marvelous dessert:

First of all, you need some slices of bread, milk with lemon, sugar, eggs, cinnamon, one frying pan and a little oil. The first step is covering the slices of bread with milk for about 10 seconds and then, put them in the egg. Next, it´s time to fry the slices of bread. When you finish frying, you have to put them on absorbent paper in order to remove the excess of oil. Afterwards, you have to mix the sugar with a little cinnamon. Then, you have to sprinkle a little of that mixture on the slices of bread. Finally, when lukewarm, you have to put it in the fridge. After cooling, it is time to enjoy eating it!

lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

Just love.

My grandfather is one of the most enjoyable and incredible person I have ever met in my entire life. He was always glad and cheerful. He was a very generous person and he regularly tries to help people who needed it. Even thought my brother and I were always behaving inadequately, he never got angry with us. He gave us useful and constructive tips that nowadays I still remember and many times I have to use them in my daily life, so he is always in my mind. When I remember something he taught me, I can´t stop laughing and remembering how fantastic he was. I will always be grateful with him due to his patience and all the things that I learned from him. In short words, I want him to know that wherever he is now, I will always love him. 

domingo, 18 de enero de 2015

Freedom of expression.

Freedom of expression is an undeniable right that all people around the world must have because we were all equal and nobody can coerce and manipulate what a person want to say. Nevertheless, when we want to say something, we have to use the correct words, without being disrespectful with other cultures and people who could have other point of view about what we are going to talk to. In the same token, I would also like to highlight that freedom of expression does not imply that we could insult or offense other religions, beliefs or customs.

As I see it is that we can express our opinion about a topic, even when it is so thorny to speak about it, but we have to do it with respect, putting ourselves in the shoes that those who have the believes, religious or culture that we are going to criticize. Nobody likes having his believes, religious or opinion criticized, so we always have to take into account this brief but astonishing sentence: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”.

sábado, 17 de enero de 2015

Setting goals.

There is not any better situation in the moment that you realize you have achieved what you have been working out for months or even for years. It is an unutterable and awesome feeling. Finding a job, for instance, is one of the best achievements that people who are involved in troublesome circumstances could get. I have not feel that sensation yet but it has to be impossible to compare it with others like getting a fantastic mark in an important exam. It is great too, but there is nothing more essential than finding a job, above all when you have not enough resources and you have to feed your family. To sum up, finding a job has to be one of the most amazing experiences in a human life, especially when you need the money for paying your house or feeding your children.

sábado, 10 de enero de 2015

Short poem: There is no reason.

There is no reason to be worried about everything around you

There is no reason to have the word “surrender” in our minds

There is no reason to stop doing something you like because somebody dislikes it

There is no reason to turn off the light in dark nights

There is no reason to have fear of something unknown

There is no reason to think that you are going to fail

There is no reason to throw in the towel when we don´t get something at first

There is no reason to do what others want you to do

There is no reason to kill a living being

There is no reason to can´t cry when someone you love dies

There is no reason to can´t show your feelings whenever you want to

There is no reason to say goodbye someone you love

There are a lot of reasons to think that all of us are unique

There are a lot of reasons to think that we will get all we want to in our lives.

domingo, 4 de enero de 2015

Opinion essay: Best ways of coocking.

In the last years, there had been an incredible increase of people who cook in Spain, and it is easy to realize that this fact has been provoked by the mass media. These programs have made a huge rise of people who cook with chemical products, and it is not as adequate method of cooking as our country is used to having in all our history.

 We could see this impact growth in the development of programs such as “Master Chef” and “Top Chef”, among others. These programs have been created because they are watched by a wide variety of people, from children to adults of all ages, and they provide tremendous amounts of money owing to they generate a great expectation. Nevertheless, they have made that Spanish people tend to cook more with chemical products that they used to.

In these programs it is usual to see meals that have been produced by the intervention of chemical products, like nitrogen, instead of cooking them with natural products. It has not to be advisable to freeze a product in 5 seconds with a chemical at temperatures below 100 degrees. I am not a doctor, but as I see it, it is healthier to eat natural products and meals that have not been manipulated by these kinds of chemicals.

 I would also like to highlight that if you have never seen somebody doing mayonnaise, it is crazy to think that it is possible to do it with an egg, oil, a pinch of salt and some lemon juice. It is awesome how nature is! There is no chemical products on its mixture, it is only the result of the combination of four natural products. Thus, these types of creations have to be healthier and they have to contain a lot of more vitamins and minerals that support us than creations such as the ones which I had appointed in the last paragraph.

All in all, it is understandable that people like to watch TV programs such as “Master Chef” due to the fact that they teach us a lot of aspects in order to improve our palate when cooking. In brief, we can appreciate both ways of cooking; however, we have to know that it is healthier to consume natural products instead of meals that have been undergone by chemical products.