martes, 20 de enero de 2015

Delicious recipe: Torrijas.

Some days ago I did one of the most famous desserts in Murcia, which is “Torrijas”. It is a traditional sweet that is made in the whole year, but especially in “Semana Santa”. You can make it very easy because all you need is a few ingredients, a little patience and a lot of love. I recommend you to do it and to learn more about other traditional desserts. You will feel a spectacular explosion of flavours. If you do it, you will not regret it!

Now, I will try to explain the recipe of this marvelous dessert:

First of all, you need some slices of bread, milk with lemon, sugar, eggs, cinnamon, one frying pan and a little oil. The first step is covering the slices of bread with milk for about 10 seconds and then, put them in the egg. Next, it´s time to fry the slices of bread. When you finish frying, you have to put them on absorbent paper in order to remove the excess of oil. Afterwards, you have to mix the sugar with a little cinnamon. Then, you have to sprinkle a little of that mixture on the slices of bread. Finally, when lukewarm, you have to put it in the fridge. After cooling, it is time to enjoy eating it!

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